Maserati Shamal
This vehicle had been sitting in a garage for about five years, and had not run for this period of time. The vehicle was brought to me on a low loader and installed in the workshop prior to the rebuild. A great deal of care was needed with this project, addressing a multitude of problems both electrical and mechanical.
The photo’s show how the project progressed with some text explaining the various stages of the build and problems encountered.
Here is the car as it appeared when it arrived. A considerable amount of corrosion was evident on a lot of the alloy parts and paintwork.
So the engine is started to be taken apart. The cam belt and tensioner pulley are to be changed along with the water pump.
​The engine will be artificially primed with oil before the internals are moved, after the cam belts have been fitted etc.
Some of the photo’s were taken for reference purposes, but it gives a good flavour of the level of deterioration of the vehicle.
Cam covers removed which will be shot blasted and stove enamelled.
The covers were painted in a crackle finished originally, but is in poor condition.
All the intake castings removed, along with the cam covers.
Cam belt cover removed, here you can see some of the alloy corrosion.
The rear brake discs were not beyond redemption, but will be stove enamelled gold. The front discs will be renewed.
The vehicle supported on stands, wheels removed and fluids drained.
Radiator removed along with the pipework.
Front brake discs and calipers are unserviceable, calipers are seized and will need to be replaced with new items.
The engine has been chemically cleaned removing all corrosion.
One scrap exhaust pipe!!
Broken vacuum take off’s are £40 each, so I will machine some new ones on the lathe.
All the alloy castings are to be vapour blasted before refitted to the engine.
Cam belt and tensioner removed, water pump to take off as well.
Old and new water pumps, the old pump’s bearing had failed.
New water pump fitted and cam belt partially installed.
Thermostat casting fresh from the blasters, assembled, ready for refitting to the engine.